Stand Bags
Stands bags can be versatile in how they are used. They vary in size and weight, which is why you need to look closely when selecting your next stand bag.
A Stand Bag for the Serious Walker
These stand bags tend to be light. Like around 4 pounds. This is because the last thing you want during your round of golf is for your shoulders to become sore and your swing suffers because you're basically ruck marching for a quick 9, or 18. Having a light and mobile stand bag is the key here, which means these stand bags are not going to have a lot, or deep, pockets. They are minimalist by nature.
I Ride in the Cart, but I want the Stand Bag Features,
Some golfers want this stand bag due to its versatility. Deep pockets and individually divided slots are very nice for any golf bag, but they add weight. Regardless, the golfer who likes this bag will deal with the weight for the ability to have the double straps and stands, which keep the bag upright at all times.
Stand Bag Color Options
Not every company believes in the, 'You can have it any color as long as it's black' motto. Some companies offer a wide selection of color combinations for their stand bags. Go wild and express yourself. There's a good chance you'll find the perfect stand bag!